A mandatory date for your diaries guys and gals: Saturday night 24th September, Wimbledon.
We will be based in the restaurant on the night.
In conjunction with Hersham Hounds ( Wimbledon Greyhound Welfare), the norahmacracingclub will be sponsoring most of the card at Wimbledon on 24th September. The racecard will feature norahmacracingclub race names, club members can parade their reitired hounds before races (please liaise with Paula Boswell) and club members will be invited to present trophies and pose for post-race pictures in the sponsored races.
Trophy presentations are especially for our more newbie owners as well as interested connections of our more experienced owners ie those who have yet to experience the ‘podium thrill.’
The idea is for existing members and their friends and families to have a good fun night out, whilst also attracting new members either on the night or, more likely, in subsequent weeks.
Norah is going to let the Racing Post know about our event and secure a tidy discount for a block booking at the restaurant.
Also hopefully we will have plenty of club and owners’ runners that evening.
All the sponsorship money, which will come out of existing club funds, goes to Wimbledon Greyhound Welfare and any additional money raised on the night will be added too. It’s good that the retired hounds benefit from our spending splurge rather than it going to a profit making organisation.
So bring friends, family and the curious along to give them a chance to experience the welcoming norahmac bonhomie, be involved in the race action and post race presentations and be entertained by mad-dog Maunders and his motley crew.
We will finalise numbers for the restaurant nearer the time but Norah will make a provisional booking for about 30-40 people.
If any members have further thoughts that may contribute to the success of the evening please conatct Norah or a club co-ordinator asap.