Club News

Gino (Horse Outside) is pretty perky and clearly enjoyed a breath of fresh Yorkshire air, taking in a trial last Sunday at Kinsley.  Unfortunately his time wasn’t good enough to get into the tournament proper. So he takes his chance on Friday, back at Wimbledon in an A6.  Norah expects a bold show from our youngster and is optimistic that he will go well.

More poor fortune as Woody (Fleetwood Rocker) managed to sustain an injury whilst trialing at Wimbledon this morning. He didn’t take the second hurdle well and caught his nail badly. It means that Woody will need anti-biotics and will be off  for at least a fortnight.

Rumble (Black Ace Mac) is available for walks around the field or up the lane as she continues her convalescence.

General News

Due to a number of ‘outside’ events taking place on Saturday the kennel will not have any runners at Wimbledon that night. This means that the kennel has a veritable feast of contenders on Friday. Twenty one entries notwithstanding any withdrawals or changes – a mini-festival! A fair number of kennel supporters tend to congregate at the first bend. So come along and join our congregation! Hopefully we will all be in great heart if Gino does the business in the 745pm.

Open Race News

Derby finalist Cloheena ‘Johnny’ Cash has a favourite’s chance, from a plum trap six draw, in Thursday’s £5,000 Coral Olympic Final at Hove. Getting to the final has ensured Norah adds to her Trainers’ Championship points tally but winning, or first two, for Johnny provides an opportunity for her to move further up the rankings from her current estimable joint 17th place.

Check out the table by clicking:

Norah also has further winning chances at Hove with Droopys Cadel seeking to follow up a recent course and distance win in the Sprint at 957pm, whilst youngster Zodiac Zeus has credentials enough to land the 924pm.

‘Sittingbourne Sundays’ will be a feature of the greyhound racing scene in July.  These meetings are linked with enhanced prizes and betting shop coverage. Norah intends to get stuck into the opportunity. This Sunday the kennel has Farloe Razl (6.20), Rally Town (6.57) in a Kent Derby Trial, Sizzlers Spirit (7.33) in the hurdle and Broadstrand Bill (8.45) in the Standard.