
Well done to Lenny (Droopys Leonard) in doubling up with two in a row –  adding (as reported)  last Wednesday’s A2 to his previous A3 success.

The club runners did not add any further victories later in the week though Horse Outside rates a meritable mention, just failing by a fast diminishing short head to catch improving kennel rival Kokos Girls on Sunday. Hopefully Horse is about to re-find his mojo!

Social – Wimbledon Greyhound Owners Awards and Dinner Dance (WGOA Night)

Although the stadium’s future is under a cloud it really did not prevent the evening from being a truly rip-roaring event. The Norahmac crew, across four tables, featured prominently.

Most notably and with enormous credit our very own Tim Rowell was voted kennel hand of the year. A wonderfully gracious gesture by WGOA to an especially deserving recipient.  It’s fair to say that Tim was somewhat overwhelmed by the occasion.  Winning the award was very special to Tim who feels incredibly proud and honoured.

WGOA also awarded a fitting leaving present to Team Norahmac as recipients of one of the Chairman’s two special awards – the other went to highly strung – whoops I mean – unsung hero, the one and only,  Alan Clarke.

Further kennel related awards went to four-legged stars of the show – Rally Town and Cloheena Cash. Whilst Norah and the co-ordinators were on hand to present the Norahmac Racing Club sponsored award to the owners of Skywalker Falcon.

The auction for a prize donated by Steve Barton – a trip to meet Jonjo O’Neill and the team at Jackdaws Castle – saw a heated battle between, Sky TV producer, David Lawrence and a Norahmac Racing Club consortium, with the latter holding sway at an eye-watering £1,500. Proceeds to WImbledon Greyhound Welfare and WGOA.

In an extremely convivial atmosphere amongst many old friends and faces – it really was a great evening. Check out the photos on the WGOA website!


The finale 6.11pm on Wednesday’s Nevill Road card provides our first runner of the week – with Oscar (Lima Oscar) carrying stripes in an A6. Another typically tight heat with our boy holding each-way chances.

Again, on Thursday, the finale on the card serves up the next helping of Norahmac Racing Club action as Woody (Fleetwood Rocker) lines up against some useful youngsters in the 10.26pm A3.  Our blue boy, berthed in red,  is certainly the one with experience  in a field which contains some future stars. An exciting climax for those watching on Channel 231, who can’t get trackside. UPDATE THURSDAY Unfortunately Woody is off colour and wont be able to make his televised engagement – he’s a non runner.

The opening event on Friday’s lunchtime card, the 11.11 A5, provides a decent chance for Horse Outside  to step up on his recent short head defeat.  The heat seems to be framed to give our black and white every chance of taking gold and – if he has rediscovered his mojo – he holds a favourite’s chance.

Saturday evening has Oscar (Lima Oscar) out plying his trade again. He contests a seemingly softer A6, at 10.30pm, than the one in which he finished fifth on Wednesday.

Sunday’s all-Open card features our rising star Lenny (Droopys Leonard) stepping up into Open class level. Our youngster contests the Open Maiden over the standard trip at 11.58a.m. Good news for the glory seekers amongst us – with the potential of a trophy and podium presentation if Lenny manages to land the spoils.  A decent roast dinner awaits as consolation if he doesn’t – for members not Lenny , that is!