Norah’s Seaside Summer Soiree – this Saturday (July 7th)

Plans are now advanced for this Saturday. We’re expecting around eighty guests; club members, kennel owners, their friends, family and associates as well as any interested potential members or owners.

In the vague possibility that everything goes to plan we have:  a cold buffet (sandwiches, meat platters available). A raffle with an overall prize value of at least £200 – for which guests are invited to bring any gifts they feel worthy of donating towards the existing raffle prizes and an auction.

Thanks to Hove Stadium for the auction prize – a meal for four with wine in the restaurant. And for the raffle; Steve and Sheila Joel bookmakers, Terry Brown from Hove Greyhound Videos and Paul Fletcher from Actionshotsonline photographs for their generosity.

The event takes place from 700pm to ‘after the last’  in the Hove Stadium function room – The Sprinters Bar, located to the left of the main entrance lobby.  Don’t forget to log your car registration number in the machines available. Ask if you’re not sure – fines are given out by the Co-op who own the parking space.

The Stadium management have very kindly agreed that entry into the track is free for all bona fide guests. If you have an owners’ pass then just show it as usual at the front entrance – if you, or your party members, don’t, contact Norah during the week to organise guest passes.

We have plenty of runners on the night and we have our sponsored race – all are welcome to join in that presentation.  Those that have Norahmac rosettes from past parties please bring them along as it helps with the vibe and branding.

Any questions please e-mail a co-ordinator or contact Norah.

We’re looking forward to another cracking Norahmac shindig – we’ve plenty to celebrate with friends old and new!


All the plaudits go to Horse Outside for last week’s breakthrough (for the club) win in the maiden Open on Hove’s televised card last Thursday. A marvelous victory.

Those in attendance enjoyed some magic moments, 20-1 with the books and smiles all round for the podium presentation.

Well done to ‘Horse’ who provided a further boost to our Club’s growing fortunes and wellbeing.

Honourable mentions too for Wendy (Hanover Lady) and Oscar (Lima Oscar) who put in sound displays at Hove last week, and Lenny (Droopys Leonard) who ran a creditable fourth in an Open at Sittingbourne on Sunday.  A fine effort for a ‘first look’ given he hadn’t a previous trial at the Kent venue.

A sad announcement in that Norah has little choice but to retire Woody (Fleetwood Rocker).  Our grand blue has been diagnosed with a heart murmur – as Norah had feared.  Woody will be available for walks at the kennels on Sundays for the time being. Eventually he will have a home at the farm with Norah and Brian.

In The Media

The Surrey Herald continues to report on the fortunes of the club and have a feature in this week’s edition.  Also look out for  news this weekend in the Racing Post regarding the Club’s progress and our Summer Soiree at Hove.

The Racing Post Greyhound Channel has switched to channel 212 from the 5th. Be sure to keep your ears primed for the now famous Gary Maunders missive – expounding the chances of the club’s dogs this Thursday evening.  Also thanks to Ricky Holloway, giving us a name check on last Saturdays show.


The club’s racing week begins on Thursday with Wendy (Hanover Lady) having another shot at a Maiden Sprint Open live on Racing Post TV (now on channel 212) at 940pm.

Boxed in trap two wont be a disadvantage. And with the race made up with three middle and one wide runner, Wendy would have a better chance than last week, though she’ll need to break with her usual zest rather than last week’s less tidy effort. A decent chance and fingers crossed.

Friday features Oscar (Lima Oscar) taking a shot at an A5 at 12.58pm. On overall form Oscar has something to find with most in the field.  That said it’s really a throw of the dice as to whther he has his head in front when it matters.

We’re doubly represented on Summer Soiree Saturday night. In the 8.02pm, an A2, Lenny (Droopys Leonard) has the ‘wide’ seed to himself.  A decent effort last week at Sittingbourne, with the associated change of scenery, could have him sharp enough to grab gold. Fingers crossed.

A little later at 9.41pm Horse Outside takes on A4 rivals, following his Open success last week. It’s a heat that could be between the inside berths, with Horse, in trap two, boxed outside the downgraded and consistent seasoned campaigner Swift Stamper (in one). The middle and wide runners may well bunch and if Horse can safely negotiate the first bend he’s in with every chance. Fingers crossed.