Beat the Book with Marc Yerquard (Wk 5)
Welcome to our bet suggestion service brought to you courtesy of our man at the track – Marc Yerquard.
Marc’s selections are based on Hove form using his considerable depth of knowledge of greyhound racing.
Selections are not limited to any particular kennels, focusing on the Hove kennel strength overall.
The idea is that if you are going to follow the selections stick to the plan.
1 The named selections should be backed no more than twice over the two weeks from nomination. If the selection wins first time then there is no second bet.
2 The latest date to back the dog will be given in brackets after the name and with the grade (or lower) in which it should be backed e.g. if A3 is suggested then A4/5 is fine too. A lower than expected grading will very likely increase the chance of winning but lower the SP – that is accepted and part of the staking plan.
3 The selections are to be backed to a level stake – don’t chase losses or run up profits.
4 This isn’t a get rich scheme but an aid to profitable betting.
5 Bet, off course, with a bookmaking company that pays the Greyhound Levy
6 Results will be based on SP
7 This service is open to all to follow but once results show a reasonable profit, the service will only be available to Norahmac Club members via the website but on a ‘closed’ page.
8 There is no plan to charge for this service
9 Selections will be added by Wednesday morning, weekly, with appropriate tally of profit/loss at SP to 1 point unit stake
10 Gamble responsibly!!
The selections :
Johnster A5 (thru to 10/3) (check Hove website for running details)
Call Me Millie D1 (thru to 17/3) (entered 6/3)
Blackrock Ruby A7 (thru to 17/3) (check Hove website for running details)
Results to date:
Feb: Staked 10.0pts Returns: 15.17pts P/L +5.17pts
Off the list, Sandro who won at 3’s, Minnies Orchard who is timed out. Johnster has one more run, having failed last week.
We’re bagging our profit for February a sensational 50% return on investment over ten bets. And now onto March – it’s tough beating SP to level stakes so please don’t expect all months to be as profitable!