April 10th update..
Not the greatest week in the short history of the norahmacracingclub but it could have been worse:
Rumble (Black Ace Mac) took part in a rather roughly run trial on Friday (8th). She suffered from crowding at the first bend and is now nursing a sore shoulder. Norah will have her checked out at the vet in the next day or two. Hopefully it is simply soreness and she will have a smooth recovery. Once the full extent of the injury is confirmed a more specific recovery time can be gauged which will be reported in a further update.
Gino (Horse Outside) was inadvertently left in the entries for a race on Saturday. He was still on his course of anti-biotics and the Wimbledon admin were informed of his non-participation but unfortunately the message didn’t seem to get through. Gino now has another trial and then will return to the track.
Woody (Fleetwood Mac) is in good health and is expected to trial at Hove this week with a view to participating in some Open races at the Sussex track over the next few weeks. These races are scheduled for Sunday afternoons and/or Thursday evenings. More news on actual dates will follow once a campaign has been decided.
Over the past week or so the club has welcomed another half a dozen or so new members. It is hoped that a low key social event can be organised. locally, and probably, on a Sunday afternoon in the next few weeks. Possibly a picnic if the weather is fine, or a pub lunch if not. This to help us all get to know each other a little better as our numbers grow.