Our raving reporter reviews the races…
This report hot off the press from norahmacracingclub’s very own hack, Gary ‘mad dog’ Maunders:
BLACK ACE MAC won her trial last night. She was quick away with a 4.88 split and led until challenged by Carloway Fed at the third bend but the ‘Ace’ kicked again and led on the run in, beating Carloway Fed by 3/4 length, with Lacey May Knot a further 1 1/4 lengths back in third.
Norah was hoping for a 29.30 sort of time but, the fact that Black Ace Mac has been on her bed for a fortnight, her time of 29.53 was respectable.
HORSE OUTSIDE ran green! He was taking everything in during the parade, having a good look around. This was only his second race and the crowd and tannoy noise is something he will get used to. Very slow away, with a split time of 5.14, he had a mountain to climb.
He tried to look for the gaps and had to check between the first and second bends. He did show good pace down the back straight but again was checked at the third bend.
Although beaten just over eight lengths, to put this A4 into perspective the race was won in a very fast 29.14 by Ballygarron Duke.
Horse Outside, or “Gino” as he’s known by the kennel girls and Tim (!), completed his Wimbledon debut with a time of 29.81
Norah informs me that he will trial at Wimbledon this coming Wednesday.