Good news regarding Rumble (Black Ace Mac).  Norah expects Rumble will be back in about three weeks. She is benefitting from a course of physio to relieve the sore shoulder.

Gino (Horse Outside) is expected to trial before racing over the weekend.

Woody (Fleetwood Mac) now trials before racing at Sittingbourne on Sunday.

Other Open Race Kennel News

Rally Town returns to Romford for the Sprint Open on Friday (15th) and then heads on to Sittingbourne for another Sprint Open on Sunday(17th).

Cals Patron takes a first look, in a Standard Open, at Oxford today (Thursday 14th).

Both hounds ran well last week. Cals Patron took minor honours in the Romford final. He checked slightly coming out of the back straight in both his heat and the final. The feeling is that the Essex track is too tight for him hence the Oxford entry.

Rally Town will strip fitter for last week, a first run after a long lay-off.